Street Spectra has belong to the ActiON project as a pilot along some other initiatives since the beginning in February 2019.
We got the opportunity of sharing all we have learn with the new six additional citizen science and pollution related projects that have recently joined ActiON.
The European Project will fund and support these teams that have got the opportunity of joining the team from February the 17th to the 19th at the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin.
It has been 3 days they of masterclasses and activities from the accelerator program so we could establish the bases of the work for the following months in witch we will be working together by co-designing and testing new tools for making citizen science more open, innovative, sustainable and inclusive for all.
6 new projects
CitiComPlastic will co-create solutions for bioplastic waste management through composting, and will do so, working at local level in Oslo with vulnerable groups.
In my backyard
This project aims to understand and map the use of pesticides, fertilizers and sustainable alternative practices in the context of home farming and gardening in Portugal.
Noise Maps
Generating and analysing urban sound data. Empowering Barcelona communities to take action to reduce unwanted noise and protect their local sonic heritage.
Sonic Kayak
With a low-cost open hardware system they are gathering data sonified through an onboard speaker allowing paddlers to seek out areas of interest in Cornwall, UK.
Water for Future
Local youth and community members will gather data on water quality and will develop monitoring strategies and actions for tackling heavy metal water pollution in city of Cerro de Pasco, Peru
Wow Nature
Measuring air pollution with innovative sensors within and outside urban forests in order to assess their efficacy as a mitigation measure for air pollution, facilitate their funding and educate and engage with citizens